Fiction * Philosophy * Soul Food

I'm still building this site ... and I'm learning as I go ... There is lots to learn, and, I'm finding out, not everything in this template does exactly what I was hoping it did. So, if you don't find what you're after, come back in a bit ... and bring cold beer, it's hot up in here!

Yup, More Stuff!

Just Keep Scrolling Down!

Portfolio * Resume * Curricula Vitae

I haven't needed to use this in well over a decade. So, it doesn't list my living in China and founding my own company there, nor does it show my venue work in New York City, such as lighting Paul McCartney or Lauren Hill and many others. It also has no record of my having former clients like Citizen Cope, Adele, Hammer of The Gods, Alice Smith or Elvis Costello. If you'd still like to see it, click on the "My Old Resume" button at the top of this page. As for my Writing portfolio, see below.

My Books are available on Amazon

Just click the button below!

Hit Me Up!

OK, I'm a noob to this site building voodoo and I STILL can't get this contact form to work. So, in the interim, just use the one on the "Make Contact" page. There, you can send any messages, rants, inquiries or orders for Thai food. The fields here and the button to "send" do not work. Nothing comes to me. I can't even delete it (I think). Not to worry, I have contacted the developers, so we shall wait and see what wisdom they pass along.